Hi, I'm Dana Peever, a.k.a, The Decision Smith

Helping Women Make Confident Decision Is My Passion!

One of my greatest passions is to help women make confident decisions that align with the life, business, relationships you really want to have.

Making decisions may seem like something you “should” be able to do on your own. But when fears and uncertainty kick in, you can start to waffle and delay.

Overwhelm causes stress. Procrastination leads to missed opportunities. And staying stuck – well that just plain sucks.

This is why I created The Decision Smith 5-Step System AND Proprietary App.

Without knowing how to make big decisions, you can start to put your needs and desires on the back burner (again).

One of the most valuable benefits to the process is the peace of mind it gives you, knowing that you’ve taken everything that matters into consideration. It’s kind of like a pros/cons list – on steroids – even better!

Thirty years ago when I was in university, I was introduced to a hugely onerous decision matrix.

It was at that time that I realized the importance of and need for having a system for decision making in my life – that didn’t make my brain hurt!

The rest is history.

I’ve used this system personally to make dozens of tough decisions and I look forward to helping you become a decision-making pro very soon!


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